Monday, March 8, 2010

Layla Grace

Layla Grace's mom, Shanna has just twittered that she is not doing well. Her dad is trying to comfort her and she has barely been awake these past few days. I'm afraid that the end is near for sweet Layla. I urge everyone to pray for peace for her and her family.

I can't understand why this is happening to her. She didn't get to experience everything every child should. This isn't fair at all, for anyone involved. I know her parents seem to be at peace with everything that is happening. But I know I am questioning all of this as I am sure others are. Why is God taking her now? What great plans does he have for her? I can't help but think of all the pain her family is going through. I pray that they are comforted in knowing how many lives sweet Layla has touched.

Please pray for her.

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