Monday, March 22, 2010

Long time...

Sorry, I've been MIA for awhile. I have been busy with life!

The past couple of days have been gorgeous! We even got into the 70s. Katie absolutely loved being outside. She would cry when we would go in. Now today its in the 50s and rainy. I think it'll be rainy tomorrow then sunny the rest of the week. I hope we'll have a sunny summer. Last summer it was very rainy, I don't think we even got to the lake until the end of June. I am already looking forward to the summer and the things we have planned.

Tonight I mad crock pot stuffed peppers....yummm!!! It was great and I will definitely be making it again.

I recently came across a website dedicated to Layla Grace. Forever Playing With Angels. Please go and check it out. Let's try and do something to support the cause. Which is getting awareness out. I still think of Layla often and I pray for her in Heaven. I hope that her family is coping with this tremendous loss.

Have a good night!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Today I was on retreat for school. I had a great day and was renewed by this. We had a quiet time and during this time I went out to my car for awhile. When I put my window down it got stuck. While in the process of trying to close it I got my finger stuck in the window. Below is what happend to my poor engagement ring.

I also lost one of the smaller diamonds. I am so upset by this. I didn't think this was possible to do to platinum. On top of this the jeweler I got it from closed. Now, I have to figure out what to do with it and where to take it. Ugh, I am sick just thinking about this. My finger feels bare without them. I'll let you know what happens with all of this.

Wish List Wednesday

Because money doesn't grow on trees..

This summer I can't wait to learn how to make pillow case dresses for Katie. I can't wait! I'm excited to mix fabrics and matching bows. My Gram is going to teach me, I am really excited.

I'm thinking about getting a Mother's Necklace. I think it's a really nice piece of jewlery. They have a huge selection of them. Does anyone else have any?

I would love to go back to Vegas soon. This is where my husband and I got married. There were about 13 of us. The setting was absolutely gorgeous! We had an awesome time out there and would go back in a heartbeat.

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

RIP Layla Grace

Layla Grace
Layla went to play with the angels in Heaven this morning. In her very short (too short) life she touched many lives (over 40,000!). She brought many people closer to their families/children. She made people stop and thank God for everything he has given to them. She impacted my life more than she or her family will every know. I don't personally know her but I know I will never forget her. I am deeply sorry for her family and their great lost. I wish them peace in knowing that she is no longer in pain and can live a great life in with the Lord.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ice Cream

Tonight my mom came up to feed Katie her desert. Tonight she had her very first ice cream cone. She absolutely loved it! She did really well holding it and ate the entire thing!

I can't wait until it gets warmer out and Heisler's opens. We'll be out there every weekend.

I just soaked my feet, it felt so good!! I may paint my nails then head to bed to read. I am exhausted!!

Good night and remember to pray for Layla Grace.

Layla Grace

Layla Grace's mom, Shanna has just twittered that she is not doing well. Her dad is trying to comfort her and she has barely been awake these past few days. I'm afraid that the end is near for sweet Layla. I urge everyone to pray for peace for her and her family.

I can't understand why this is happening to her. She didn't get to experience everything every child should. This isn't fair at all, for anyone involved. I know her parents seem to be at peace with everything that is happening. But I know I am questioning all of this as I am sure others are. Why is God taking her now? What great plans does he have for her? I can't help but think of all the pain her family is going through. I pray that they are comforted in knowing how many lives sweet Layla has touched.

Please pray for her.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for many things in my life. But most of all for my family. Here are two pictures of the two most important little girls in my life.

Alexis is my niece. I love her so much and really enjoy spending time with her. She will come up for a weekend at a time and I'll take her different places. she absolutely adores my daughter, Katie. She is a great big cousin to Katie. Pretty soon she'll be a big sister and I know she'll be great at it.

My daughter, Katie, is my world. I love her so much and I don't know what I ever did without her. She brings so much joy and happiness into my life. I thank God everyday for her.
What are you thankful for today and everyday?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wish List Wednesday

This week I am not doing a traditional "Wish List Wednesday." I thought this is much more important than anything you could buy.

This week my "Wish List" item is a miracle for Layla Grace I have blogged about her numerous times before. But I still think a miracle is possible if we all believe and pray. This little girl and her family do not deserve this, no one does. Lets all stop now and pray for her.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

odds and ends

I didn't get to post yesterday because I was so busy! After school yesterday Jimmy and I took Katie to Climb-A-Lot again then out to dinner. Katie loved it even more than the last time. She's doing more and more comfortable. She absolutely loves going down the slide. We called my MIL on the way to dinner and she met us there which was nice. She of course was happy to see Katie. While at dinner we ran into Katie's Godmother. Her godmother's son is also my godson. They both get along so well, which makes us happy.

Layla Grace is still hanging on and we're all still praying for a miracle. Layla's mom was interviewed by Ryan Seacrest and she was also in OK Magazine. Here is the article. I am still praying for a miracle and peace for the family. I just hope a miracle happens. I can't imagine going through that. Please God help sweet Layla Grace. I hope God gives her a miracle and that she is fully healed. But if that is not in His plan I hope that she goes peacefully without suffering anymore than she already is.