Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Heavy Heart

I have had a heavy heart all day today. It was another day that I couldn't stop thinking about little Layla Grace. I am continuously praying for her and her family. I want them all to have peace and I don't want little Layla to suffer. But I can't stop thinking about my little girl and if it were me in the Marsh's position. Losing my little girl. I thank God everyday for Katie and that she is healthy. I wish I could just pray for Layla and not think about it if it were my little girl. The past few days I've cried several times for Layla. I urge everyone to pray for Layla and her family. Please God give the Marsh's a miracle for Layla. Please.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Casual Saturday

Today was a very laid back day. I spent it with Katie and my mom. I woke up early to get a shower before Katie woke up. When we were all ready we headed to a consignment shop about 20 minutes away. My mom got the grandkids a couple of things, I got Katie 2 books and a leash. At first I wasn't sure I should get her one, but she wants to walk more and more. So we'll use at the Zoo and at amusement parks. Katie fell asleep on the way home and slept for a good 3 hours.

After we both woke up from our naps my mom, Katie, and I went over to my grandmother's house for a nice visit. My grandmother really enjoys Katie and I'm glad she gets to watch her grow up. After the visit with my grandmother my mom and I came back to my house and we order Chinese food. We watched a little tv and just enjoyed each other's company.

I am glad my mom and I are close and I hope the one day down the road Katie and I will be able to be the same way.

Tomorrow is Sunday and that's always a busy day. I think we should have 3 day weekends. Tomorrow I have grocery shopping, cleaning the floors, dinner to make, a birthday party and getting clothes ready for the weeks. Busy busy.

I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Please continue to pray for Layle Grace, she is still holding on. So we're all still holding on to hope. I pray for a miracle for her and her family.

Friday, February 26, 2010


So today we had our second snow storm of the winter season. This one wasn't as bad as the last. I'm not sure how much snow we got because we had big drifts. We didn't have school yesterday or today. So I just stayed home and hung out with my little girl. I dusted my house and did the laundry. Now all I have to do clean the floors and do the weekly grocery shopping. It feels good to be somewhat ahead.

Tomorrow I think my mom and I are going to go to a consignment shop. I want to look for a couple 18 month outfits for Katie and see what else they have. I don't always shop consignment shops, but every once in awhile I do. Times are tough! I would still like to find some cute designer things, personalized etc. This summer my grandmother is going to teach me to make Pillowcase Dresses. I am excited to be able to create something for my little girl to wear, all different patterns and bows to match! I can't wait!

Well I'm going to go and fold some laundry and maybe soak my feet!! Have a good night. Please don't forget to pray for Layla Grace. I don't think she has much time let. This has been weighing heavy on my heart all day. I hope her and her family find peace.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Prayers Please!

I recently started following Megan's blog found here. Megan is pregnant with baby Cohen and recently found out that he has 4 heart defects. I am praying for a miracle for baby Cohen and his family. I hope that all of you will pray with me. I grabbed her button and it is on the right of my blog, click on it and follow their story.
This little girl's name is Layla Grace and she is only two years old and has cancer. I'm afraid that she only has a limited time left on this Earth before she goes home to her Creator, Jesus. Please pray for her and for her family. I can only imagine the pain that her parents and sisters are going through.

I pray that God will be with these families at these difficult times. I thank Him everyday for my healthy happy little girl and I pray she remains healthy and happy.

Now say a little prayer, please! Thank you.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wish List Wednesday

Because money doesn't grow on trees. Wish List Wednesday was invented!

I am seriously thinking about getting this Canon Rebel with my tax return. Currently I have a pocket size Canon camera and I love it, but I would like something with a better quality. I am not sure if I want to spend the big bucks for it though. Lets get real here while I'm at the amusement parks, am I going to want to lug around a huge camera? Thoughts? Suggestions?

Of course if I get a Canon Rebel I need a stylish strap!! I've found some cool ones on Etsy. Trust me if I get the camera I'll get the strap!

Time...I need more time. There is so much to do and not enough time. Especially reading books, I have a long list of books that I want to read but not enough time to read them all.
Have a good Wednesday!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday & Bows

Today we had a birthday party for my 2nd cousin, it was her 2nd birthday. I got her an outfit and made these korker bows for her and a few other bows. When I was pregnant I didn't found out what I was having. I wanted the surprise in the end of it all. Before I had Katie I bought a few bows and was surprised at how expensive they were. So last Spring I decided to teach myself how to make hair bows. I found the directions online and taught myself. I think that they come out pretty nice when I do make them.
Katie doesn't always wear them, except today, she wore a nice brown bow that I made last night for her. She wore it the entire afternoon!!! I was so happy and proud!

Tomorrow my husband will be home from work so he will keep Katie. I hope she has fun with him. I know when he is away working he really misses her. So I make sure that he spends time with her. After work tomorrow we may take her to Climb-A-Lot to play before dinner.

Have a good Monday!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Blocks of course! Katie loves blocks. Last night she was playing with regular building blocks and today it was her Mega Blocks. She's really good at it too! Here are two pictures of her building.

Today was a lazy day for me. I didn't feel like doing anything! I watch the Olympics most of the day and then my mom took Katie for awhile. I took a nap then went grocery shopping. I don't particularly like going grocery shopping. But it's one of those things you have to do.
Tonight I made some bows for the birthday party we have tomorrow. I also made Katie a plain brown bow, maybe she'll actually wear it! Tomorrow morning before the party I hope to clean, if my husband doesn't go to the party I am going to ask him to start the laundry, then I'll have to iron when I get home. I don't what is wrong with me but I was tired all day long. I just didn't feel very motivated. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better.
Have a good Sunday everyone!

Friday, February 19, 2010

I thought it would pass us...

Well I thought we would be lucky and go through cold season without one. But I don't think so. This was my little girl before bedtime.

She started last night with a little bit of a runny nose. Tonight she has a runny nose and watery eyes. Last year when she got sick she started with the same symptoms. She still is very pleasant and has her appetite, so that is good of course. Hopefully it'll just last a day or two or maybe she'll wake up tomorrow and be healthy. Luckily my husband will be home from work tomorrow until Wednesday so if she does get sick he can stay home with her while I work. I pray that my baby wakes up tomorrow and is fine.

We don't have much planned for the weekend. We have the usual grocery shopping, laundry, and cleaning. Maybe we'll go back to Climb-A-Lot or a quick trip down to the craft store. On Sunday I have my cousin's daughter's 2nd birthday party, of course if Katie is sick we won't be going. So for the most part it'll be a laid back weekend, just what I need!

I hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I thought today I would talk about what I am thankful for. And today that is this little girl:

This picture was taken when Katie was 11 days old. Today she is about 16 months old! In this picture she probably weighed just under 7lbs, we called her our little peanut. She was tiny!

She brings so much joy to my life and I thank God each and every day for her. I try my best to savor each day, to try and imprint all the images into my brain. I wish I would remember to get my camera out more and capture it, her life.

My Katie is a spunky, funny, cookie stealing, dancing fool, paci loving, free spirited little lady. I love her with all of my heart and soul.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wish List Wednesday

Because money doesn't grow on trees...I wish!!!

Have you heard about Dave Ramsey? He is a financial planner and gives seminars, etc. I would love to get his book or take a class. I've heard so many positive things about his ways. Anyone out there follow his teachings?

I would also like to get this book by Beth Moore. I've heard many great things about her and her bible studies. She is having a conference in Atlanta and I would love to go, but unfortunately that's not possible. Instead, I will be getting the book!

A ski vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss skiing soooo much and hope to get back into it next year.

A brand new 2010 Chevy Equinox! I have a 2005 one and love it, but it's been treated hard and I have 87,000 miles on it. I will probably get another one when the time comes.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday and other things...

I just started reading The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. I like his books and they are easy reads for me. One reason I like them is that they usually take place in North Carolina, which is where I use to vacation in college. I love it there and hope to go back soon. This past Friday I finally went to see Dear John I read the book and loved it! The ending in the movie was different than the book and I was happy for that. They are making The Lucky One into a movie as well. After I am finished reading this one I am going to read The Last Song. It is coming out in the movies on March 25th you can watch a trailer here. Who else likes to read Nicholas Sparks?

Here is a picture of my cutie Katie! I love her so much! She's such a ham these days. She is doing silly things every day. She truly brightens my day, every day!

Today was Fat Tuesday or Donut Day or Faschnaut Day, whatever you want to call it! It is the day before Ash Wednesday, which is the day that begins the season of Lent. Lent is very important in every Christian religion. We as Christians sacrifice something for the 40 days before Easter. The greatest sacrifice was the one that Jesus sacrificed...His own life. So for us to give up something for 40 days, I think that's easy. This year I think I am going to sacrifice chocolate! Are you sacrificing anything?

I hope you have a good Wednesday. Good night and God Bless.

Monday, February 15, 2010


This past weekend my niece was visiting and today we went to Climb-a-lot Clubhouse. It's great and only 5 minutes from our house. This was the first time Katie went through the clubhouse. Usually she would just stay in the "under 2" area but not today! She wanted to be everywhere! She had no trouble climb and getting in with the big kids. Since today was President's Day the place was packed!!! There was also a daycare and the kids were very rude! I thought about not going in but my niece was so excited I couldn't tell her no. I was glad we didn't leave because we all had such a great time! I think we will definitely go back soon, maybe after school one day. I'm sure we will frequent it at least twice a month.

So can we talk about the Bachelor? I am sitting here watching it while I'm blogging and wondering what type of people go on TV to find love? They all claim not to be able to find "true love." But they are all gorgeous! How can they not find love? I just don't get it, but yet I continue to's like an addiction, sort of. I'm wondering who he's going to pick in the end. Then Ali calls and wants to back! I thought for sure he would've taken her, I did like her but think she made a dumb mistake by leaving. We'll see what happens in the end and if it will last! Everyone deserves to find love and I hope they all find it somewhere.'s been a nice unexpected vacation. I haven't worked since last Tuesday because of all the snow we got and we're actually suppose to get some over night. I wonder if I'll have a 2hr delay or even a snow day? I've enjoyed spending time with my daughter and husband but I'm ready to get back into my routine. I hope my kids will be ready to work when we get back! I think they'll be excited to tell me everything they did and also tired from getting up early. It's a short week because of no school today. I hope it's a quick one I am already looking forward to summer! Yes, I am as bad as the kids!

I hope everyone had a great Monday! Goodnight and God Bless!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I'm going to try this again...I started to blog awhile ago and stopped. But I do want to get back into it. I enjoy reading blogs like Kelly's Korner and various others. So I thought I would try my own.

We had a huge blizzard here in PA. We got about 18-20 inches of snow. I love it! It made me long for skiing so bad. I haven't skied in quite a few years. I hope to get back into it next season. We'll see if that happens. We have been off school since last Wednesday because of the snow and we are off tomorrow for President's Day. I have to admit that I am ready to go back. I love being on a schedule and right now I'm not. We are going to be in a Winter Storm Warning from tomorrow afternoon until late Tuesday for another storm so who knows if we'll have school on Tuesday. I know my 4th graders are enjoying their mini-vacay. I have a feeling that it will be rough to reel them back in.

Katie loved playing outside in the snow and sleigh riding. I hope that she'll love the outdoors as much as I did when I was younger. Katie is becoming a little lady, she really changes each day. I love her so much!!

Well I think I'll go to bed and start a new Nicolas Sparks book. I have two to choose from. Good night!